Officially known as the ‘Federal Republic of Germany’, sharing boundaries with Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium & Netherlands. This country is spread over an area of 357,386 Km². The capital of Germany is Berlin.
The climate of Germany is temperate and marine with cold, cloudy winters and warm summers. During summers the temperature can even exceed 30°C at certain places. Winters are relatively cooler with a temperature below 0°C.
Germany is largely known for its technology in the field of automobile, thus becoming a car manufacturing unit for popular brands such as BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes etc. It is also known for its Event Oktoberfest which is conducted every year around late September. Apart from this Germany is famous for its sausages & Bread with 1,500 varieties of sausages produced and an equal number of finest varieties of Bread. Germans love to drink beer with their beer consumption ranking 3rd in the world. Germany has the largest music market in Europe & the third largest in the world. It is home to world-famous castles, Germany has around 25,000 castles.